David "Dave" Brewer (Brett Tucker)

Meno: Brett Alan Tucker
Dátum a miesto narodenia: 21. 5. 1972; Mebourne, Victoria (Austrália)
Súrodenci: starší brat Mark
Biografia: Vyrastal v Yarra Valley v štáte Victoria. Presťahoval sa z Melbourne do Adelaide.
- je vysoký 188 cm
- jeho obľúbené hobby sú snowboarding, surfovanie, piano,
futbal, kriket, tenis, box, basketbal a bicyklovanie
- nahral dve piesne
- niekedy robí komentátora v miestnom rádiu
"Neighbours" .... Daniel "Fitzy" Fitzgerald (2007-2008)
- Episode 1x2348 (1995) - pracovník na konštrukcii
"McLeod's Daughters" .... Dave Brewer (2003-2006)

The Great Raid (2005) .... major Lapham
"The Saddle Club" (2001) .... Max Regnery
"Blue Heelers:" .... seržant Peter Baines
10x11 - Love In (2003)
9x12 - Dancing On The Edge (2002)
The Extreme Team (2003)
The Outsider (2003) (TV film) .... Ben Yoder
"The Lost World:" .... Rixxel
3x17 - The Imposters (2002)
Abschied In Den Tod (2001) (TV film) .... Mark Penhalligan
Blonde (2001) (TV film) .... herec na Whiteyho párty
Mallboy (2001) .... Darren
Code Red (2001) (TV film)
Halifax f.p: The Spider And The Fly (2000) (TV film) .... Scott Lovejoy
"Thunderstone" .... Holo-policajt:
2x05 - Becky's Trick (1999)
2x04 - Is Noah Banished? (1999)
2x03 - Broken Dreams (1999)
2x01 - The Old Peddler (1999)
"State Coroner" .... Miles Penfield:
2x04 - The Gift Of Life (1998)
The Last Of The Ryans (1997) (TV film) .... detektív
"Snowy River: The McGregor Saga" .... Ted:
2x13 - The Cutting Edge (1994)